Adding Standard LEDs with a STP16CPC26 driver

If you just wish to use a lot of standard LEDs, you can also opt to use 1 or many STP16CPC26 LED drivers. You will need one driver for every 16 leds you want to connect.


  • A controller modded using any of the guides
  • Some LEDs
  • Enough STP16CPC26 drivers to drive your leds


  1. Wire GND on your drivers to GND on your microcontroller

  2. Wire VDD on your drivers to VCC on your microcontroller

  3. Connect the SCK (CLK) pin on each driver to your microcontroller. If you are using a Pi Pico and these pins don't work for you, you can use one of the advanced pinouts below. Note that the Pi Pico has multiple channels, and SCK and MOSI need to be from the same channel.

    Microcontroller SCK (CLK)
    Pi Pico (Recommended) GP6
    Pro Micro, Leonardo, Micro 15
    Uno 13
    Mega 52
    Pi Pico (Advanced, Channel 0) GP2, GP6, GP18
    Pi Pico (Advanced, Channel 1) GP10, GP14, GP26
  4. Connect the MOSI (SDI) on the first driver to the MOSI pin on your microcontroller. Then chain the MOSI (SDO) outputs to the MOSI (SDI) on the next driver, until all drivers are connected. If you are using a Pi Pico and these pins don't work for you, you can use one of the advanced pinouts below. Note that the Pi Pico has multiple channels, and SCK and MOSI need to be from the same channel.

    Microcontroller MOSI (SDI)
    Pi Pico (Recommended) GP3
    Pro Micro, Leonardo, Micro 16
    Uno 11
    Mega 51
    Pi Pico (Advanced, Channel 0) GP3, GP7, GP19
    Pi Pico (Advanced, Channel 1) GP11, GP15, GP27
  5. Connect your LEDs to the OUTn pins. The cathode of each LED connects to an OUTn pin, while the anodes are all connected together and connect to the voltage supply for your LEDs. Depending on how many LEDs you are using, it may make sense to use an external supply here, which would need to have its VCC connected to the anodes of the LEDs, and its GND connected to GND on the drivers.

  6. Connect a resistor between R-EXT and GND, depending on how much current you want to drive each LED with.

    Resistor (ohms) Output Current (mA)
    4300 5
    2000 10
    1000 20
    470 40
    330 60
    220 90


  1. Click on LED Settings
  2. Set the LED Type to STP16CPC26
  3. Set the CLK and SDI pins as you wired them
  4. Set the LED count to the amount of LEDs you have connected together.
  5. Hit Save Settings
  6. If you want a button to control an LED, click on the button in question.
  7. Click on the leds you want to link to this button in the Selected LEDs section.
  8. If you want an analog input (such as whammy) to control an LED, click on it.
  9. Configuring analog based LEDs is much the same as digital, but instead of pressed and released being digital, the LEDs will smoothly transition between pressed and released depending on the value of the analog input.
  10. If you would like to respond to game events in supported games, hit the Add Setting button and add an LED Binding. You can then pick the LED type in question, and configure it, in much the same way as the inputs.

LED inactivity

You can turn on the Turn on LEDs after inactivity setting to have the leds turn completly off after a timer. This is useful if you have leds on always on mode, but wish to have your guitar power its LEDs off after it is unused for a given amount of time.